Friday, April 5, 2024

碌碌 Luk Luk @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10

April 5.2024 Vegetables before Dinner
along Jalan USJ 10/1, Taipan USJ, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor
GPS Location: 3°02'51.9"N 101°35'07.2"E
綠色花椰菜 Broccoli rm$3.50 👍😋 6/10
鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom rm$3 👍😋 6/10
豆腐卜釀黃瓜絲 Stuffed cucumber Tau Pok rm$3 👍😋 6/10
Total bill: rm$9.50
Budget: rm$10 - rm$25++
Payment: Cash  
Cuisine: 碌碌 Lok Lok (Luk Luk)
Pork free: Pork, Chicken, Seafood 
Alcohol free: N/A
Air-Conditioning in Restaurant: Ns
Internet Wifi speed: N/A  
Digital Nomad Work-friendly Cafe: No
Electrical outlets for Digital Device: No
Free Drinking Water: No
Menu prices: Net 
Order & Delivery: Self Service
On-line Delivery Service: Not sure
Indoor Seating tables: None
Outdoor Seating: None 
Drive Through: No
Take away : Yes
Dine-in: Yes
Happy Hour: N/A
Parking: MPSJ  
Photos taken using: Huawei P60 Pro
Thoughts: Some vegetables (as appetizer) before Dinner: 
豆腐卜釀黃瓜絲 Tofu with Cucumber 45 Calories (GI Low GL Low 3.7g Net Carb)
鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom 100 Calories (GI 15 GL 1 Low Carb High Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals 5g Net Carb)
綠色花椰菜 Broccoli 5 Calories (GI 15 GL 1 Low Carb High Fiber)
It's important to keep blood sugar levels in a good target range (降低血糖峰值 reduce sugar spikes after food) as much as possible to help prevent or delay long-term, serious health problems, such as 心臟病 heart disease, 視力喪失 vision loss, 糖尿病 diabetes, and 腎臟病 kidney disease. So there's no question about it: 血糖平衡 balancing blood sugar is critical for many aspects of your health. Excessive, 反覆的血糖峰值 repeated blood sugar spikes and 崩潰 crashes can overwhelm your body's normal, healthy responses, and lead to harmful dietary inflammation which can negatively impact your overall health. Some research indicates that the order in which you eat protein, vegetables and carbs impacts your blood sugar levels. Scientists have found that it’s not just the type of foods you eat that can influence your health and metabolism, but the order in which you eat them. And therefore, eating 富含纖維的蔬菜 fiber-rich vegetables, 蛋白質 protein or 脂肪 fat at the 餐前 start of a meal, and 最後吃 eating 精製碳水化合物 refined carbohydrates like 米飯 rice, 麵包 bread or 義大利麵 pasta last, can 提高血糖水平 improve blood sugar levels and stimulate higher levels of hormones that promote fullness and satiety. Some preliminary studies suggest it may even help with 減肥 weight loss.
Food today: 6 / 10 👍😋
Price: 4 / 10 😐😐
Value for Money: 5 / 10 😐
Service: 5 / 10 😐
Ambiance: 4 / 10 😐😐
Parking: 3 / 10 😐😐😐 (5:00pm today)
LRT/MRT/BRT/MTR Transport: 6 / 10 👍👍 (600m+ from Taipan LRT station)
Website: no idea
Facebook: no idea 
Telephone: +016-387 2129
Operation hours: 10:00am - 02:00pm

綠色花椰菜 Broccoli rm$3.50 & 鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom rm$3
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
綠色花椰菜 Broccoli rm$3.50 & 鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
綠色花椰菜 Broccoli rm$3.50 & 鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
綠色花椰菜 Broccoli rm$3.50 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
綠色花椰菜 Broccoli rm$3.50 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
綠色花椰菜 Broccoli rm$3.50 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
鮑魚菇 Oyster Mushroom rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
豆腐卜釀黃瓜絲 Stuffed cucumber Tau Pok rm$3
豆腐卜釀黃瓜絲 Stuffed cucumber Tau Pok rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
豆腐卜釀黃瓜絲 Stuffed cucumber Tau Pok rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
豆腐卜釀黃瓜絲 Stuffed cucumber Tau Pok rm$3 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
The Food Truck
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
@ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
碌碌 Luk Luk rm$9.50 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10
碌碌 Luk Luk rm$9.50 @ 好吃燒烤碌碌 Ho Chak Luk Luk Steamboat USJ10