Monday, March 31, 2014

Black & White @ KL Chow Kit Market

31.03.2014 Camera Times
@ Chow Kit (click here to Google Map)
Camera: Olympus OMD EM5
Lens: m.zuiko 45mm f1.8
Thoughts: Turning the EM5 into Black & White mode, 以黑白写实题材用心去拍照! I was satisfied with the 45mm lens, even at tougher lighting conditions, it was able to deliver some good shots. 

试试每天都在做这个 Try doing this everyday
看报看档 Business as usual
菜市的人都叫他‘矮仔’,在这里做了几十年了 People in the Market calls him 'Shorty', has been working here for few decades
有生意做总是好事 It's a good thing there is still business
年纪大了 (2) Age catching up
不用焦,是正当生意 Don't worry, it's legitimate business
冲冲走过 Rushing through
(粤话) “数还数,路还路” Doing things right
他说是非洲美食 He told me it is an African cuisine
年纪大了 (3) Age catching up
街檔主心聲无人知 How difficult it must be
想起黑羊和白羊的故事 Patience is a virtue
老当益壮 A healthy elderly
卖鸡佬的办公室 Outdoor office
好像在拍戏 Looks like a scene
全蛋面机 Wan Ton Mee machine