Monday, December 12, 2016

とり そぼろ どん Tori Soboro Don @ Nana's Green Tea KL Pavilion

12.12.2016 Lunch
Nana's Green Tea at Pavilion KL
6.01.01, Level 6 
Pavilion KL
Opening times: 10am - 10pm 
Tori Soboro Don $22.90 (Set H)
Review: Tori Soboro Don 鶏そぼろ丼, (Tori 鶏 is Chicken, Soboro そぼろ means minced (in this case minced chicken), and Don 丼 means bowl of food) Therefore Tori Soboro Don 鶏そぼろ丼 means "Minced chicken in a bowl" (I think). 
Well, the menu says like this "Special marinated minced chicken served over millet rice and garnished with pea/sprout spring onion and Japanese style poached egg". 
Millet rice is 小米饭, no wonder the rice was short and rounded, a bit creamy. Wikipedia says its much more nutritious than rice or wheat. "Millets contain low phytic acid and are rich in dietary fiber, iron, calcium, and B vitamins. Moreover, these millets release sugar slowly in the blood and also diminish the glucose absorption. These properties of the minor millets made the present consumers." (Wikipedia).
Topping the minced chicken with the poached egg and sprout spring onion was nice. It wasn't a too heavy meal, just enough before I ended with some Japanese tea (see next post).
I was a satisfied customer, this is the 4 times I was at Nana's Green Tea at KL Pavilion in the past 3 months. 
Rating: 5/5

Set H Tori Soboro Don $22.90 @ Nana's Green Tea KL Pavilion Set H Tori Soboro Don $22.90 @ Nana's Green Tea KL Pavilion Set H Tori Soboro Don $22.90 @ Nana's Green Tea KL Pavilion Set H Tori Soboro Don $22.90 @ Nana's Green Tea KL Pavilion