Friday, February 4, 2022

七彩鴻運魚生 Rainbow Hong Wan Yee Sang @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan

3 February.2022 Snack
Day 691 since MCO1.0 行動管制領 Covid-19 
@ D'Butchery USJ Taipan (click here to Google Map)
20, Jalan USJ 10/1B, USJ TAIPAN, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor
七彩鴻運魚生 Rainbow Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 👍👍😋😋 7/10
Total bill: rm$35.90
Budget: rm$50++
Payment: Cash or Credit Card
Cuisine: Chinese
Pork free: Vegetarian
Alcohol free: N/A
Air-Conditioning in the shop: Yes
Menu prices: Net (10% for the Product)
Order & Delivery: Self Service
On-line Delivery Service: 在 WhatsApp 上與 +60 17-878 8451 對話, GrabFood
Indoor Seating tables: No
Outdoor Seating: No 
Drive Through: No
Take away : Yes
Dine-in: No
Happy Hour: N/A
Parking: MPSJ 
Photos taken using: Samsung Note 8
Thoughts: "撈起魚生 Low Hei Yee Sang" or also called "七彩魚生 Rainbow or Prosperity Yee Sang", and some people also simply call it "撈起 Low Hei", "撈魚生 Low Yee Sang", or just "撈生 Low Sang". It is a 農曆新年時的特色賀年食品 Special Lunar New Year Foods in 馬來西亞 Malaysia and 新加坡 Singapore for Chinese New Year. 
Some say that the reason why is called "七彩魚生 Seven Color Yee Sang" is because the food is eaten on 正月初七 "the seventh day of the first lunar month" or "人日 Ren Ri"! And "七彩魚生 Rainbow Yee Sang" is to replace the traditional "七菜羹 Seven Vegetables Soup" or "七菜粥 Seven Vegetables Porridge", with the meaning of「風生水起」及「越撈越旺」的意頭.
The following are "撈生 Low Sang" steps:
準備 Preparation say the following while setting the dish (here in Cantonese below):
To say 年年有餘 "Nin Nin Yao Yee" (Surplus every year) as 生魚片 fish/salmon/sashimi is added.
To say 大吉大利 "Dai Gut Dai Lei" (Great Luck Great Profit) as 柚子 Pomelo are poured in and 酸橙/桔子 lime is squeeze over the dish.
To say 財源廣進 "Choy Yuen Gwong Jun" (Prosperity forward) as 調味品 Condiments and 敷料油 dressing oil are poured in a circular motion.
To say 甜甜蜜蜜 "Tim Tim Mart Mart" (As sweet as honey) as 梅子醬 plum sauce is drizzled down.
To say 五穀豐收 "Ng Guk Fong Sao" (Good harvest) as 芝麻 sesame seeds and 堅果 nuts are added.
To say 金玉滿堂 "Kam Yoke Moon Tong" (Full of Gold and Jade) when 炸薯片 golden fried crisps or alternative 鬆脆的東西 crunchy stuff are topped off the dish.
開始撈生 Start tossing:
Everyone picks up their chop sticks and start scooping up the Yee Sang and tossing it and wish the following "旺 Ong words": 恭喜發財 "Gong Hay Fart Choy", 生意興隆 "Sang Yee Heng Long", 身體健康 "Sun Tai Kin Hong", 學業進步 "Hock Yip Jun Bow", 步步高升 "Bow Bow Gou Sing", 撈起啊" Low Hei ah" (in Cantanese), 撈起啊" Low Hei ah" (in Cantanese), 發啊 "Huat ah" (in Hokkien), 發啊 "Huat ah" (in Hokkien), 發啊 "Huat ah" (in Hokkien) ... and everyone toss higher and higher ........
Nowadays, "七彩魚生 Rainbow Yee Sang" are not just something to have on "人日 Ren Ri" but also before the Chinese New Year especially on "收工餐 Company year end dinner before the Chinese New Year" or "開工餐 Company start work dinner after the Chinese New Year", or any gatherings of friends and families before or after the Chinese New Year. Recently, even 河豚魚魚生 Pufferfish/Fugu Yee Sang, Fruit Yee Sang 水果魚生 or 榴槤魚生 Durian Yee Sang are also available!! and some exotic "Toss" in KL can be from rm$150 to rm$400 per plate of Yee Sang!!!!
Chinese around the world have no idea why 馬來西亞華人 Malaysian and 新加坡華人 Singaporean Chinese are "Playing" with their food like this. One story is that it began with a 芙蓉 Seremban man although roots of the Origin of "魚生 Yee Sang" may have been from China. This is because 生魚料理 Raw fish cuisine, also known as "膾 Kuai", was already popular in China thousands of years ago. But the "膾 Kuai" cuisine eventually died out as Chinese cooking became more and more awesome as well as variety over time. Also, as Chinese medicine developed, Chinese physicians discovered health hazards of eating 生食 raw food like the "膾 Kuai" cuisines; Nevertheless, the traditional dish with raw fish survived  in the 中國南方地區 Southern region of China but not as a Chinese New Year dish. "魚生 Yee Sang" culture was brought over to 馬來亞 Malaya by 廣州移民 Cantonese and 福建移民 Hokkien immigrants who arrived from the late 1800s onwards. But it was also not popular here until sometime in the 1940s, where a man named 陸清發 Loke Ching Fatt introduced his own version that would eventually became the "撈起魚生 Lo Hei Yee Sang" which Malaysians know now and enjoy during CNY. Soon after Word War 2, Loke's dish became popular all over 森美蘭州 Negeri Sembilan and later became a Cantonese tradition of eating "魚生 Yee Sang" on "人日 Ren Ri", the 農曆正月初七 seventh day of Chinese New Year!
Food today: 7 / 10 👍👍😋😋
Price: 6 / 10 👍
Value for Money: 6 / 10 👍
Service: 7 / 10 👍👍
Ambiance: 6 / 10 👍
Parking: 6 / 10 👍
LRT/MRT/BRT/MTR Transport:  5 / 10 😐 (450m+ from Taipan LRT station)
Telephone: +6019-594 5288
Operation hours: 08:00am - 10:00pm

七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Rainbow Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
@ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
@ D'Butchery USJ10
鮑魚盆菜 Premium Poon Choi rm$218 & 七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan
鮑魚盆菜 Premium Poon Choi rm$218 & 七彩鴻運魚生 Hong Wan Yee Sang rm$39.90 @ D'Butchery USJ Taipan