Friday, October 8, 2021

干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle & 奶茶 TehC @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6

8 October.2021 Breakfast
Day 573 MCO 行動管制領 Covid-19 (MCO#3.0 Day 157) 
1, Jalan USJ 6/1, Usj 6, 47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor
GPS Location: 3°03'13.6"N 101°35'28.6"E
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50  👍👍👍😋😋 7.5/10
奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 👍😋 6/10
Total bill: rm$8.20
Budget: rm$10++
Payment: Cash  
Cuisine: Chinese hawkers, Malay nasi lemak
Pork free: Pork, Chicken
Alcohol free: Bottled Beers
Air-Conditioning in Restaurant: No
Internet Wifi speed: No 
Digital Nomad Work-friendly Cafe: No
Electrical outlets for Digital Device: No
Free Drinking Water: No
Menu prices: Net  
Order & Delivery: Order@Hawker stall
On-line Delivery Service: Not sure
Indoor Seating tables: inside kopitiam now only housing the Hawker stalls
Outdoor Seating: (Semi-outdoor with roof top 10 tables of 2-3 ppl/table)
Drive Through: No
Take away : Yes
Dine-in: Yes
Happy Hour: N/A
Parking: Free Parking
Photos taken using: Samsung Note 8
Thoughts: USJ6's 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan finally open for Dine-in, with all of the hawker stalls arranged in-doors, and all the tables (10 of them for 2-3ppl/table) outdoors with roof-top along the entrances to the corner shop lot. Other than the Kopitiam offering Hot and cold drinks plus Toast and Egg, there are 6 hawker stalls: 怡保米漿飯 Ipoh Chee Cheong Fun, 燒臘雞飯 Roasted rice, 雲吞麵 Wanton Mee 客家麵 Hakka Mee, 板麵 Pan Mee, 馬來椰漿飯 Malay Nasi Lemak, and of course the famous 手工包 Handmade Bao.
Today's breakfast rm$6.50 "干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle", surprising more than satisficed. It is 老鼠粉 Lou Si Fun for the noodle based which also topped with generous amount of 炒豬肉碎 minced pork meat, on the side a bowl of pork based noodle soup with 豬肉片 pork slices, 豬肉碎 minced pork, 豬肝 pork liver, 豬肺 pork lung and even some 豬肉丸 pork balls. Worth mentioning is the home-made 自製酸辣青辣椒醬 spicy and sour green chili paste, an excellent dip for the 豬肉 Pork meat and 豬內臟 Pork innards as well as for the dry Loh See Fun. Satisfied!
Fun Facts: 老鼠粉 Lou Si Fun with its many names:
老鼠粉 Lou See Fun or Rat Noodle (馬來西亞 Malaysians)
銀針粉 Silver needle noodle (香港 Hong Kong)
米篩目Mi Shai Mu (客家話 Hakka)
米苔目 Bee Tai Bak (福建話 Hokkien name in 台灣 Taiwan)
鼻涕嘜 Bei Tai Mak (Cantonese) Runny Nose Vermicelli (maybe in 香港 Hong Kong)  
洛 Lot លត or Short Noodle (柬埔寨高棉 Khmer, Cambodia)
依唷米 (尖丸) Ee-yoke-Mee เกี้ยมอี๋ or Short Noodle (泰國 Thailand)
The noodle is short, about 5 cm long and 5 mm in diameter, made from a mixture of 磨碎的米粉 ground rice flour from glutinous or non-glutinous rice and water. It has a 白色半透明色 white semi-transparent color. The noodle is available in many 華人菜市 Chinese markets in Chinese populated areas such as 香港 Hong Kong, 台灣 Taiwan, 柬埔寨 Cambodia, 印度尼西亞 Indonesia, 馬來西亞 Malaysia , 泰國 Thailand and 新加坡 Singapore.
The 銀針粉 silver needle noodle originated in 大埔 Dapu, 梅州 Meizhou, 廣東 Guangdong. Because the 兩端尖 two ends are pointed and resemble a 老鼠 mouse, the Hakka people usually call it as 粄 "Ban", so that was how it got the name 老鼠粄 "Lou Shu Ban" or 老鼠粉 "Lou Shu Fern (Mandarin)". However, in Hong Kong it is referred to as "銀針粉 Silver Needle Noodle" in Hong Kong. Because of the indecent name of "老鼠 mouse or rat".
The noodle was later spread to 台灣 Taiwan and 馬來西亞 Malaysia. The local Hakka called it 米篩目 "Mi Shai Mu", which means that the dough is passed through a 篩子般的擦板 sieve-like wiping board during manufacture, and the noodles are rubbed out of the 洞眼 hole (mesh). Since "篩子 sieve" in Taiwanese is called 苔 "Tai" (sound like "青苔 moss"), and so it is called "米苔目 Mi Tai Mu" in Taiwan. But in Malaysia it is just being called "老鼠粉 Lou See Fun (Cantonese), and when the noodle was introduced to 柬埔寨 Cambodia and 泰國 Thailand; It was called "洛 Luo" (លត)" in 高棉語 Khmer and "依唷米 (尖丸) Ee-yoke-Mee เกี้ยมอี๋" in 泰國 Thailand.
Food today: 7.5 / 10 👍👍👍😋😋
Price: 8 / 10 👍👍👍
Value for Money: 7.5 / 10 👍👍
Service: 7 / 10 👍👍
Ambiance: 5 / 10 😑
Parking: 7 / 10 👍👍
LRT/MRT/BRT/MTR Transport:  9 / 10 👍👍👍👍 (20-30m from USJ7 LRT/BRT station)
Website: not found
Telephone: not found
Operation hours: 07:00am - 02:00pm (morning session) Hawker stalls 小販
Operation hours: 04:00pm - 10:00pm (evening session) Dai Chau 大炒

干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
奶茶 TehC rm$1.70
奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
The Kopitiam
@ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
@ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
@ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
@ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
@ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
@ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
@ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6
干撈豬肉粉 Dry Pork noodle rm$6.50 & 奶茶 TehC rm$1.70 @ 相友海鮮茶餐室 Restoran Wai Kwan USJ6